We have serviced Mississauga South neighborhoods with timely, professional fall leaf removal & cleanup since 2006:
Mineola, Lorne Park, Port Credit, Applewood, Lakeview, Cooksville & Clarkson
Topics on this Page
- Fall Leaf Cleanup
- Municipal Leaf Removal Trucks
- Perennial Care
- Transplanting Perennials
- Eavestrough Cleanings
- Burlap Wrapping
– Yes, we have great reviews for our fall leaf clean-up since 2006.
– We manage your leaf removal with city truck schedule & yard waste pickup.
– Will cut down your hostas, perennials and trim back your shrubs.Fall Leaf Clean-up
Fall leaf clean-up is a great time to cut down your hostas, perennials and tall grass.. If a select few of your shrubs need trimming, it is a good time as well. Nice big job to get finished before we concentrate on removing your fallen leaves. We will then be dragging and blowing all your leaves to the ditch for the leaf collection trucks. We may need to bag any late fallen leaves if the trucks have passed your street for the season.
A great job cleaning up your leaves is an accomplishment we are always proud of. It is also a great way to meet new long term customers.
We gave homeowners the five star results they were expecting with their leaf cleanup.
Leaf Mulching
Everyone’s leaves seem to fall from the trees at different times. From mid October to the 1st week of December, or later.
Those leaves falling lightly in October are usually able to be mulched up with your weekly lawn cutting. We could cut your lawn and mulch up the leaves at the same time.Saving time mulching the fall leaves while cutting the lawn. Great nutrients for the lawn.
Late Falling Leaves
The biggest problem with the leaf cleanup lies in dealing with the trees like Beech, Oak and certain Maples trees that fall late in the season. They can be hard to manage and get rid of before the first snowfall arrives. Rest assured however, and we give you our word that your leaves will get taken care of even if the last leaf is the 2nd week of December. Happens to at least one customer each year. It’s all part of the leaf cleanup fun!
Blowing the first snow along with last of the stubborn leaves
Municipal Leaf Removal Trucks
In many Mississauga neighborhoods the leaf removal truck companies have completed their schedule for the season before the last leaves fall. However, on that note I will mention that they do a great job and their mandate is to get all the leaves from all the streets. Over the years as the weather changes and the leaves fall later, the city will come around one more time If need be.
City of Mississauga’s vacuum trucks picking up fall leaves.
Fall leaves blown & dragged to the roadside by tarps waiting for the scheduled week the City trucks will vacuum them.
Off To The Dump With Leaves
I bag them up and take them to the Peel Dump Site on Mavis Rd. If it is the first time we collect your fall leaves there may be a small premium cost for the late fall cleanup. There is the cost of the bags and extra time to fill the bags and take them to the dump if required. Not too much extra money and just to be fair to each other.
With our leaf removal service, there are many years we are driving up to the dump every day with full loads after the Leaf Vacuum Trucks have gone. So relax and let us handle it for you. We charge one amount for the entire fall leaf season and come around as many times as we need to in November and December to collect all your leaves. We are at most people’s house every week to deal with the leaf removal.
Rest assured we have all the necessary equipment to do a great fall yard cleanup job. Don’t stress it, or be concerned, we will get it done. We always have, always will.We are always out working till the first or second week Dec with the last of the season’s leaf cleanup. Always getting those calling us late who did not get their leaves taken care of.
The City of Mississauga’s Municipal Works Dept.’s Yard with truckloads of leaves stacked 25 feet high. I bring your yard waste bags here when the trucks have stopped picking them up.
Perennial Care, Cutting & Cleanup
We have years of experience and are very knowledgeable about which plants need to be cut and which do not. As I will mention further on, we do not like to wait till spring to cut your hostas and perennials.
We cut down all the tall grass, hostas & perennials in this flower garden. Done in the fall so there is no damage to the buds when they start growing suddenly in the spring.
I feel very strongly about getting the hostas, perennials and tall grass cut down in the fall. If you wait till spring any new sprouting buds may get trampled on if you do not get your spring yard cleanup done early enough. It does not take long for a hostas bud to shoot up 2 or 3 inches over a few warm days. So get all your perennials and hostas cut down with the fall cleanup and you will avoid having them trampled on in the spring.
We will cut down everything neatly so your yard looks nice over the winter and early spring. We will do a thorough yard cleanup.
Some will tell you that they like the look of the tall grass over the winter months. Yes, the tall grass may look nice a few times over the winter. But, by early spring it is blowing all over your yard in a big mess. If you do not get it cut early enough in the spring you could possibly cut off the tips of any new grass sprouts growing through. I have seen this happen.
Transplanting Perennials
It is a great time to transplant any perennials and hostas you want moved. We can also split a few plants or hostas and put them in other areas of your garden. Early spring is safe for transplanting, but so is the late fall. Always during cool weather periods.
They will be in their new location when they start blooming again.The money you think you are saving in the fall by not cutting down your old plants is not worth the trouble you will have in the spring. We do not want to be the workers apologizing in the spring for stepping all over the early flower buds, to get to the fall leaves that blew over from your neighbor’s yard.
So, if all this work is done with the fall yard cleanup there is no need to rush your spring cleaning or panic if your gardeners are late showing up.
We removed plants and Boxwoods out of the poolside summer pots back into the garden until spring.
Eavestrough Cleaning
We also provide Eavestrough Cleanings in the fall. I like to get all the heavy decayed matter from the summer out of the eavestroughs as early as I can. Doing this at the end of October or in early November is best. Once that clean up is out of the way, the leaves falling through November will be easier to remove during any freezing weather. Many times the decayed matter at the end of November will freeze and becomes difficult to remove. Doing the first Eavestrough Cleaning before the colder nites arrive makes the whole cleanup easier.
So I go up twice during a season. I have learned my lesson when I had to remove big frozen chunks of decayed matter.
Burlap Wrapping
Many customers still want their favorite sensitive shrubs wrapped with burlap for the cold winter. Shrub wrapping is something that we will do for you.
Often, newly planted shrubs and trees benefit from protection for the first and second winter. They will be fine going forward once they are well established. Broadleaf evergreen shrubs such as Azaleas and Rhododendrons may require covering during the winter if they are in an unprotected area of your yard.
You may want to use burlap wrapping for protecting shrubs that are on the border of the growing zone in Southern Ontario and that are not known to be very hardy in our area.
I still go with survival of the fittest. I wrapped 2 rhododendrons one year at my house. The next year I did not wrap either. One went on to have a wonderful life of bloom, the other to the compost bin. There are many tasks you can accomplish with our Fall Leaf clean-up services
Colorful burlap tarp covering huge Oak Trees planted by the City of Mississauga on Hurontario Street by Square One.